© 2017 GeoPOI -- Coronado -- Fairly. All Rights Reserved. Use or duplication of text, data, photographs, and information herein is strictly prohibited without prior written consent.
This project is possible thanks to the availability of quality open-source coding and other free resources. The following people and organizations have created software or compiled data that may be used in these pages:

Leaflet JQuery FA L-sidebar-v2 awesome-markers L-control-geocoder L-routing-machine DataTables Pure L-FeatureGroup.SubGroup L-GroupedLayerControl L-MarkerCluster L-ContextMenu L-MiniMap L-Locate OSRM L-Hash L-Social L-Singleclick L-CondensedAttribution L-Rotated L-RotatedEnhanced L-MarkerCluster-LayerSupport Ken Burns Slider L-Control Credits L-PolylineMeasure e-calendar IcoMoon Imgur Thomas Brinkhoff: City Population Wikipedia PhpBB
Base Layers

OSM ESRI CartoDB Thunderforest Stamen Macrostrat Mapbox
Other Resources

GoHikeColorado.com - Useful Trail Information!

Let it be acknowledged that this project would have never been possible without the unwaivering support of my family and friends. This list includes (but is not limited to) GRBR, BBCK, BOGU, CAGU, ERGU, AKRU, SLSG, BBRB, GROL, and CHBO.