
GeoPOI LLC, the GeoPOI Database, and all of the great projects that it powers would not be possible without the kind and generous donations of our appreciative patrons.

If you enjoy using the database in any capacity, please consider supporting this work by making a donation. At present, we accept both PayPal and Bitcoin. Thank you for your contributions!

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Bitcoin QR Code

GeoPOI was conceived to catalog all of the amazing geologic outcrops and interesting places around the world. We differentiate our mission by ensuring that our data is of the highest quality and that it can be easily filtered to find places that interest you.

The map is made using a wealth of incredible open-source software projects and we are proud to support the open-source community. GeoPOI LLC are a tiny start-up with a passion for making the wonderful places on this planet accessible to everyone. Any donations for this cause will go directly towards making the database bigger, better, and more diverse.